Yellow will advance from surrounding colors and instill optimism and energy, as well as spark creative thoughts. Yellow is the color of the Solar Plexus Chakra in our subtle body, also known as Manipura. This chakra is located in the stomach area. It is linked to the stomach, liver, skin, large intestine, muscular system, and solar plexus area. The Solar Plexus Chakra is representative of vitality and will. When this chakra is open, it acts to empower a person and help them find their personal strength. It will help turn dreams and goals into reality.
Cosmetic Yellow Silk is having the fragrance of “Lemon” and is available in different package size of
- 75 gms,
- 100 gms,
- 510 gms,
- 10 kg,
- 15 kg,
- 20 kg
- 25 kg.
we are open for customization and can have clients branding on the color pouches